Category: <span>News</span>

Passing on the creativity


Gingerbread village


Working on exciting stuff!

Screenshot 2017-07-28 11.18.27

#app design #research #userflows #wireframes

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Microwave press dried

This was my first attempt to press flowers in the microwave. I used two pieces of tile to press the flowers together and placed it in the microwave. They still come out very moist so we’ll see how they do over time.IMG_3131

Pike Place Market

Always a great place to get flowers! I bought some fresh and dried flowers.IMG_3124

Garden research

Was over at the local Home Depot doing some research on my next packaging project. IMG_3080IMG_3087

Oh, packaging

This packaging design definitely caught my eye. I would always stop to look at it, but today, I snapped this photo.


San Juan Visit

Taking a holiday break and came about this museum of art on Friday Harbor. The art is fantastic and I look forward to coming back soon! IMG_2770

Robynne Raye’s Picks for Hangups, a Cornish Poster Show

I was very proud to have poster designer Robynne Raye select my “Make Exercise a Habit” propaganda poster as one of her picks for Hangups, Cornish College of the Arts poster show.

This poster is composted of photography, letterpress and typography. 
